Natural Gas Continues to be the Most Cost-Effective Choice to Heat Your Home


Noted by consumers and businesses alike, the cost of energy, including natural gas, has increased over the past few months. This is being driven by increased demand and decreased production, economic recovery from the pandemic, paired with winter cold and recent weather events. While the cost of natural gas has increased recently, it is still less expensive than other alternatives like electricity and propane.

At Summit Natural Gas, we work hard to secure the lowest gas price for our customers. As your natural gas provider, we do not make a profit from the cost of the natural gas we deliver to you. Our customers pay what we pay. While natural gas continues to be the most affordable option for heating your home or business, the commodity price on your upcoming heating bills is predicted to be higher than last winter.

To help improve energy consumption and save on your energy bill, particularly during cold winter months, here are some tips to help your home or business be more energy efficient:

  • Keep thermostats no higher than 68 degrees, if comfortable.. If possible, set it at 65 degrees when home and 60 degrees when away from home.
  • Avoid turning the thermostat up too high, too fast.
  • Close dampers on unused fireplaces and keep garage doors closed to prevent warm air from escaping.
  • Insulate around windows and doors to prevent air leaks and keep warm air inside.
  • Soak up the sun by opening curtains on your south-facing windows during the day and let the sunlight heat your home.

Summit Natural Gas offers budget billing plans to our customers who wish to manage gas bill fluctuations by paying a fixed monthly amount each month based on historical usage. Customers can opt into this plan by visiting our website,

Qualified customers may be eligible for payment assistance. Agencies with payment assistant programs that administer funds to customers struggling to pay their energy bills are available throughout the state. Customers can visit or call our customer service number at (800) 927-0787 to find the name of the local agencies in their area that might be able to assist.

Providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy solutions to our customers is central to our mission at Summit Natural Gas. We’re working hard to keep energy prices low and to provide the best possible service to you. For more tips and information about safety, energy efficiency, and rebates like and follow us on Facebook, @SummitNaturalGasMissouri, or visit our website at