Where your gas service is located (may be different from your mailing address).
Your Summit Natural Gas account number is specific to your service location. Please refer to this number when requesting information about your account or when making any payments.
Now easier to read, so you know when your bill is due and how much you owe.
Important messages from Summit Natural Gas of Maine.
Usage information is detailed to show your meter reading information and how your usage amount is calculated.
Bar graph provides at-a-glance usage over past 13 months (if available).
Includes any balance due, late fees, and three types of natural gas service charges.
a) Delivery and Service charges – The cost to deliver the gas to your home or business and other customer charges.
b) Supply charges – The cost of the natural gas itself for your home or business.
c) Taxes and other charges – Depending on where you live, we may also collect required state and city fees and taxes, and any charges specific to your account.
If paying by mail, please return the payment coupon with your payment.
With increased energy costs, working to conserve energy and save money is essential. We’ve compiled resources and information to save, stay warm, stay educated, and be informed.
If your household is experiencing financial difficulty, there may be federal, state, or local programs that can assist with your utility bill. If you’re a Summit Natural Gas residential customer and meet specific income guidelines, you may qualify for assistance in paying your utility bills. Explore our payment assistance program offerings if you or someone you know is having trouble paying their gas bill.